Sunday, January 25, 2015

Disney at Target

Disney Princess aisle at a Target Store
Over the weekend my friend and I drove to Target to buy some supplies for tenting. While wandering around looking for air mattresses, one aisle in particular caught my eye. It was the only aisle that was pink in the entire store - and it stood out. I walked over to find that this was called the "Disney Princess" section.

I was amazed. It was stocked with Disney princess costumes/dresses, figurines, shoes, and basically anything a princess would need. I realized the pervasiveness of the brand Disney in our everyday lives. Who would have thought an entire aisle at one of the leading retail companies would be dedicated to helping little girls fulfill their fantasies of becoming a princess?

This led me to think back to the discussion we had in class about gender norms that Disney implants into children's minds. Having a pink princess aisle may not explicitly say "for girls only" but it certainly is not inviting boys to play with princess dolls or try on princess dresses. Not only does this reinforce color pink with feminine qualities, it also unconsciously sends the message that the toys in this specific aisle are only supposed to be for girls.

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