Thursday, January 29, 2015

Buzzfeed, you've gone too far...

I am a Buzzfeed fan. I follow the Facebook page, watch the videos (which are usually hilarious, except for a few that make me go "who on Earth thought this would be a good idea...?") and I especially love taking the quizzes. Two days ago, I saw one particular Buzzfeed quiz pop up again and again on my Facebook newsfeed. It was titled "Which Letter From The Title Of "Frozen" Are You?"

This was single-handedly the most ridiculous quiz I have ever seen. EVER! Do people love Disney/Frozen to the extent that they want to know which LETTER from the movie title they would be??? Although I found the quiz completely pointless, I took it. I am apparently "F" from Frozen and Buzzfeed went onto say "You can't spell "Frozen" without F."Well duh. You can't spell "Frozen" without any of the other letters... Sigh.

I looked at the comments section and other people were not happy with this quiz either:
"Okay, Buzzfeed, we're taking a break from quizzes for awhile."
"This woman should not be allowed to make quizzes anymore."

Yeah, Disney is fun and Frozen is great (although I've yet to see it) but this is too much. Buzzfeed has run out of ideas.

If you want to take the quiz yourself and waste 15 seconds of your life you'll never get back, here's the link:

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