Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The "Best Uncle of the Year" Award goes to...

Aren't these two adorable?

Jesse Nagy is an actor (IMDb-ed him and he's going to be starring in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, which will be released in 2016) and he went to see Cinderella with his Neice, Izzy, earlier this week. Now, this wasn't your average trip to the movies... because they were both dressed up as princesses!

According to ABC News, Izzy was embarrassed to leave the house wearing her princess costume as part of the princess day that Nagy and she were having. So to give the 4-year-old courage, the uncle decided to also dress up. Um, where do I find someone like Jesse Nagy??

Here's a direct quote from him: "If it's going to make her happy, I'll do it, I don't care."
~~ SWOON ~~

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